The Academy of Food Law and Policy Hosted
The First Annual
Conference on Food Law and Policy
Friday, October 5
Harvard Law School
Food Law and Policy is one of the fastest growing legal fields, with a rapidly increasing number of law review articles, conferences, courses, and clinical programs focused on the field’s cases and controversies.
In response to this explosive growth, the Academy of Food Law and Policy hosted its inaugural conference at Harvard Law School designed to create a foundation for the long-term stability of the field. This conference: (1) featured works in progress workshops connecting the Food Law and Policy scholarly community; (2) highlighted the parameters of the field through group driven discussion, including a discussion of teaching in the field.
The Conference welcomed over 40 attendees and featured a series of workshops, moderator-led discussion groups, and a lunchtime panel led by AFLP past and current Board Members.
Your questions or comments are welcome at To learn more about the Academy of Food Law and Policy, please visit www.academyflp.oprg.
Stay tuned for a report from the Board and the Conference Committee on this successful convening and check out some of the photos taken at the Conference below.