Upcoming Food Law & Policy Conferences

The Third Annual Conference on Food Law and Policy
November 15, 2024
Co-sponsored by the Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy at
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
The conference aims to: (1) feature works-in-progress workshops and poster presentations to connect the Food Law and Policy scholarly community; (2) provide meaningful and in-depth explorations of food law in multiple formats; and (3) foster a dynamic and robust discussion through panels and networking opportunities.
Registration: $200 early registration through July 31, 2024; $250 starting August 1, 2024. Registration includes conference participation, annual AFLP membership dues, as well as breakfast, lunch, coffee/tea/snack breaks, and an evening reception at the conference. Register by November 1, 2024.
Need to book lodging?
We have a small block of rooms reserved at The Talbott Hotel for $209/night. To access the reduced rate, you must use the conference booking link by October 21.
**The $25 destination fee will be waived at checkout for a final room rate of $209/night (i.e., the fee populates when booking, but the hotel will remove it after booking, and the rate will be $209/night, charged at hotel checkout). No charges are collected at the time of reservation. Your card will not be charged until hotel checkout on Nov. 16.
If you have any questions about the hotel booking, please feel free to contact Brandi L. Marks, Sales Coordinator at The Talbott, at 312-397-3619 or brandi.marks@evolutionhospitality.com.
Travel Funding: The Academy of Food Law & Policy (AFLP) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to advance the academic inquiry of food law policy, broadly defined. As a small organization, AFLP has limited resources to contribute to travel expenses for the annual conference; however, AFLP seeks to support members who wish to attend but lack funding.
Please complete the Travel Fund Application below to be considered for travel funding by the AFLP Board. Applications will be considered in the order received. The earlier an application is received, the more likely funding may be available. Preference is given to members of the conference planning committee and current members of AFLP. No funding is guaranteed.
You can contact organizers with questions or comments at aflpconference2024@gmail.com.
To learn more about the Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy at Loyola University Chicago, please visit https://www.luc.edu/law/academics/centersinstitutesandprograms/beazleyinstituteforhealthlawandpolicy/.