Third Annual Conference on Food Law and Policy
Loyola University Chicago School of Law
November 15, 2024
Conference Agenda
9:00-9:30 am Registration and Breakfast
9:30 am Opening Remarks
9:45 am to 10:55 am Works-in-Progress Workshops (concurrent in breakout rooms)
Goals for workshops: 1) substantive subject matter-oriented discussions; 2) a space for scholars to receive feedback on their works in progress; and 3) an opportunity for conference participants to identify key topic areas and authors of scholarship in the field.
Authors will briefly provide an overview of their papers (in about 5 minutes or less), and moderators will facilitate discussions among the group attendees. All attendees should read draft works in progress and feedback requests in advance of the sessions.
Workshop 1
Margaret Sova McCabe, Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation, Professor of Law, University of Arkansas, Reimagining American Dietary Guidance
Katya S. Cronin, Associate Professor of Fundamentals of Lawyering, The George Washington University Law School & Affiliate Associate Professor, The Global Food Institute, A One-Health Approach to Healthy Food
Carl H. Coleman, Professor of Law, Seton Hall Law School, Harnessing the Power of System 1 Thinking: Front-of-Package Food Labeling in the U.S. and E.U.
Workshop 2
Lingxi Chenyang, Associate Professor, S.J. Quinney College of Law, Food Antidemocracy
Kyle Winterboer, Master of Public Policy, University California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Can We Ever Stop That Smell?: The Rise and Fall of LA’s Slaughterhouses, How They Built Industry, and the 120 year Power Struggle to Address Smells Near Downtown LA
Tammi S. Etheridge, Associate Professor, Washington and Lee University School of Law; Shellye Suttles, Assistant Professor, Indiana University’s O’Neill School of Public & Environmental Affairs; Shaowen Bardzell, Professor, School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology, Perceptions of Burden
Workshop 3
Emily Broad Leib, Clinical Professor of Law, Director, Food Law and Policy Clinic, Director, Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation, Harvard Law School, From Excess to Sustenance: Reclaiming the Right to Food
Michael Roberts, Founding Executive Director, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Law Resnick Center for Food Law & Policy and Professor of Policy, The Making of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Constitution: Power and Values, 1943 to 1965
Maria Cudowska, Faculty Fellow, Syracuse University Institute for Security Policy and Law, Negotiating Food Security
10:55 am to 11:15 am Morning Coffee Break + Networking
11:15 to 12:15 pm Deep Dive Panel: Food Is Medicine: Innovations for Food Access and Equity
Moderator: Alan Shannon, Public Affairs Director, United States Department of Agriculture
Heather Latino, Clinical Instructor, Harvard Law School Food Law and Policy Clinic;
Dion Dawson, Chief Dreamer, Dion’s Dream;
Connie Spreen, Co-founder and Executive Director, Experimental Station
12:15 to 1:30 pm Lunch & Lunch Keynote Speaker (speaker: 12:45-1:20 pm)
Speaker: Stacy Dean, Carbonell Family Executive Director, The Global Food Institute at George Washington University
1:30 to 2:15 pm Early-Stage Works-in-Progress/Lightning Round Feedback Workshop
Moderator: Lee Miller, Lecturing Fellow, Duke Law School; Board Chair, Academy of Food Law and Policy
Emma Scott, Associate Professor, Food & Agriculture Clinic Director, Center for
Agriculture and Food Systems, Vermont Law and Graduate School, Private Agricultural Labor Governance
Ernesto Hernandez, Professor, Chapman University Fowler School of Law,
Corn, Trade, and the Constitution
Trevor Findley, Clinical Instructor, Food Law and Policy Clinic, Harvard Law School, A Tale of Two Safety Nets
2:20 to 3:05 pm From Concept to Cover: An Author’s Experience in Publishing
Author: Andrea Freeman, author of Ruin Their Crops on the Ground: The Politics of Food in the United States, from the Trail of Tears to School Lunch
Facilitator: Lee Miller, Lecturing Fellow, Duke Law School; Board Chair, Academy of Food Law and Policy
3:05 to 3:20 pm Networking & Coffee Break
3:20 to 4:20 pm Deep Dive Panel: Opportunities for Food System Change in the Farm Bill
Moderator: Scott Faber, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs, Environmental Working Group; Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Law
Susan Schneider, Professor of Law; Director of the LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law, University of Arkansas School of Law;
Emma Scott, Associate Professor, Food & Agriculture Clinic Director, Center for
Agriculture and Food Systems, Vermont Law and Graduate School;
Jonathan W. Coppess, Associate Professor of Agricultural Policy, Dept. of
Agricultural and Consumer Economics; Associate Professor College of Law, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
4:25 to 5:25 pm Strategic Visioning for the Academy of Food Law and Policy
Moderator: Laurie Beyranevand, Professor of Law, Director of the Center for Agriculture and Food Systems, Vermont Law and Graduate School
Josh Galperin, Associate Professor of Law, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace;
Joanna Sax, Professor, California Western School of Law;
Diana Winters, Deputy Director, Resnick Center for Food Law and Policy at UCLA School of Law
5:25 pm Closing Remarks
5:30 to 7:30 pm Closing Reception at The Talbott Hotel