Recent Food Law & Policy Scholarship
Food Law & Policy: An Essential Part of Today’s Legal Academy
This listing includes recent scholarship of AFLP members. Members are asked to submit relevant scholarship published within the past two years to the Academy for posting at foodlawandpolicy@gmail.com.
Emilie K. Aguirre, An International Model for Antibiotics Regulation, 72 Food and Drug Law Journal 295 (2017).
Emilie Aguirre, Contagion Without Relief: Democratic Experimentalism and Regulating the Use of Antibiotics in Food-Producing Animals 64 UCLA L. Rev. 548 (2017).
Laurie Beyranevand & Emily Broad Leib, Making the Case for a National Food Strategy in the United States, 72 Food & Drug L. J. 225 (2017).
Andrea Freeman, book chapter:Behavioral Economics and Food Policy: The Limits and Politics of Nudging, in NUDGING HEALTH: HEALTH LAW AND Behavioral Economics, Johns Hopkins University Press (Fall 2016).
Joshua Ulan Galperin, Value Hypocrisy and Policy Sincerity: A Food Law Case Study, 42 Vt. L. Rev. 345 (2018).
Joshua Ulan Galperin, No Farms No Food?: A Response to Baylen Linnekin, 45 Fordham Urb. L. J. (2018).
Joshua Ulan Galperin, Graham Downey, Lee Miller, Eating Is Not Political Action, 13 J. Food L. & Pol’y 113 (2017).
Joshua Ulan Galperin and Sara E. Kuebbing, Eating Invaders: Managing Biological Invasions with a Fork and Knife? 28-FALL Nat. Resources & Env't 41 (2013).
Sam Halabi & Ching-Fu Lin, Assessing the Relative Influence and Efficacy of Public and Private Food Safety Regulation Regimes: Comparing Codex and GlobalGAP Standards, 72(2) Food and Drug Law Journal (2017).
Ernesto Hernandez-Lopez, Food, Animals, and the Constitution: California Bans on Pork, Foie Gras, Shark Fins, and Eggs, 7 U.C. Irvine L. Rev. 319 (2017).
Ching-Fu Lin, Outsource Power, Import Safety? Challenges and Opportunities of the US-China Food Safety Regulatory Cooperation, 72(1) Food and Drug Law Journal 32 (2017).
Ching-Fu Lin, The Limit of Regulatory Borrowing: ‘Cocktail Therapy’ Reforms of Food Safety Law in Taiwan, in Legal Thoughts between the East and the West in the Multilevel Legal Order (Chang-fa Lo et al. eds., Springer, 2016).
Baylen J. Linnekin, Food Law Gone Wild: The Law of Foraging, 45 Fordham Urb. L.J. 995 (2018)
Emily M. Broad Leib & Baylen J. Linnekin, Food Law & Policy: An Essential Part of Today’s Legal Academy, 13 J. Food L. & Pol’y 228 (2018)
Baylen Linnekin, Biting the Hands that Feed Us: How Fewer, Smarter Laws Would Make Our Food System More Sustainable (2016)
Timothy D. Lytton, The Taming of the Stew: Regulatory Intermediaries in Food Safety Governance, 670 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 78 (2017)
Timothy D. Lytton & Lesley McAllister, Oversight of Private Food Safety Auditing in the U.S.: A Hybrid Approach to Auditor Conflict of Interest in Paul Verbruggen and Tetty Havinga, eds., Hybridization of Food Governance: Trends, Types and Results (Edward Elgar Publishing 2017)
Lytton, Timothy D. and Zettler, Patricia J., Regulation of Chemicals in Food (May 6, 2018). CHEMICALS AND THE LAW, ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW SERIES, Forthcoming (Edward Elgar Publishing).
Lytton, Timothy D., Exposing Private Third-Party Food Safety Auditors to Civil Liability for Negligence: Harnessing Private Law Norms to Regulate Private Governance (July 18, 2018). 27 European Review of Private Law, 2019, Forthcoming.
Lytton, Timothy D., Technical Standards in Health & Safety Regulation: Risk Regimes, the New Administrative Law, and Food Safety Governance (July 15, 2018). Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law, Vol. 2: Administrative Law, Copyright, Trademark, and International Law (Jorge L. Contreras, ed., Cambridge University Press 2019, Forthcoming).
Alexia Brunet Marks, The Right To Regulate (Cooperatively), 38 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 1 (2016).
Alexia Brunet Marks, A New Governance Recipe for Food Safety Regulation, 47 Loy. U. Chi. L.J. 3 (2016).
Michael T. Roberts, Food Law in the United States (Cambridge University Press 2016).
Michael Roberts and Whitney Turk, The Pursuit of Food Authenticity: Recommended Legal & Policy Strategies to Eradicate Economically Motivated Adulteration (Food Fraud), Resnick Program for Food Law and Policy, UCLA School of Law (2017).
Michael T. Roberts and Ching-Fu Lin, 2016 China Food Law Update, 12 Journal of Food Law and Policy 238 (2016).
Rubin, E.L. and Sax, J.K., Administrative Guidance and Genetically Modified Food, Arizona L. Rev. (forthcoming 2018).
Sax, J.K., Biotechnology and Consumer Decision-Making, 47 Seton Hall L. Rev. 433 (2017).
Sax, J.K., The GMO/GE Debate, 4 Tex. A&M L. Rev. 345 (2017).
Sax, J.K., Contours of GMO Regulation and Labeling, 19 SMU Sci. and Tech. L. Rev. 413 (2017).
Sax, J.K. and Doran, N.M., Food Labeling and Consumer Associations with Health, Safety and Environment, 44 J. L. Med. & Ethics 630 (2016).
Strauss, S.H. and Sax, J.K., An End to Event-Based Regulation of GMO Crops, 34 Nature Biotechnology 474 (2016).
Xioa Zhu, Michael T. Roberts, and Kaijie Wu, Genetically Modified Food Labeling in China: In Pursuit of a Rational Path 71 Food and Drug Law Journal 30 (2016).