Call for Submissions
The Academy of Food Law and Policy Call for Papers – 2019 AFLP Annual Meeting
The Academy of Food Law and Policy (AFLP) invites papers for its program “2019 Works in Progress Workshop of Food Law and Policy” at the AFLP Annual Meeting, on December 10, 2019 hosted by Georgia State University College of Law and cosponsored by the Georgia State Center for Law, Health and Society. Papers will be selected from those submitted and placed into workgroups based on subject matter, intersectionality, and stage of development. The selected papers will be presented in the morning and afternoon of December 10, 2019.
Workshops will be an opportunity to nurture the growth of a scholarly community in the field of food law and policy. As such, it is a place to take risks and develop high quality work—test ideas, work out issues in drafts and dialogue with academics doing interesting and cutting-edge scholarship.
There will be two types of workshops:
Deep-dive workshops will follow a format that reserves the maximum time for feedback on a paper in the middle or late stages of development. All participants are expected to have read the papers in their session in advance of the session and will also be assigned a designated senior reader. Only a few papers will be discussed in each session, and each of those will be allotted equal time, to allow authors and presenters time to thoroughly explore each work. Workshop authors must have a draft paper ready for distribution in advance of the conference.
Lightening sessions will be an opportunity for scholars to develop early stage ideas. In the lightening sessions authors will briefly present an early-stage idea for discussion and development. Authors need only have an abstract or one-page ideas document prepared for distribution and discussion. Authors and participants will brainstorm around each idea much more briefly than in a typical workshop, making space for a larger number of ideas in each session.
Workshop groups will include senior scholars in the field who will aid in the discussion of the pieces and provide feedback. Successful papers and topics should engage with scholarly literature and make a meaningful original contribution to the field of food law and policy.
All AFLP members and full-time faculty members of AALS member law schools, foreign faculty, adjunct and visiting faculty (without a full-time position at an AALS member law school), graduate students, fellows, and non-law school faculty are eligible to submit papers. Preference will be given to AFLP members and junior scholars focusing their work in food law and policy.
Please note, that while meals are included, all presenters at the program are responsible for paying their registration fee and travel expenses.
There is no formal requirement as to the form or length of proposals. Abstracts are welcome. However, please indicate whether you prefer your work to be included in a deep-dive workshop or a lightening round, depending on the stage of development.
For deep-dive workshops the presenter is expected to have a full draft to make available to fellow presenters and commentators by November 15th. To facilitate through preparation, drafts should generally be between 12,000-25,000 in length. While longer submissions are welcome, authors of such works will be asked to designate a portion of the work for close reading.
For the lightning workshops the presenter should have a one-page summary prepared by November 15th.
All papers MUST be work a in progress and cannot be published at the time of presentation. They may, however, have been accepted for publication and be forthcoming.
Please email submissions to The Conference Committee, at on or before September 27, 2019. The title of the email submission should read: “Submission – 2019 AFLP Works in Progress Workshops.”
The Academy of Food Law and Policy Call for POSTERS – 2019 AFLP Annual Meeting Scholarship Showcase
The Academy of Food Law and Policy (AFLP) invites poster presentation of original research for its program “2019 Food Law and Policy Scholarship Showcase” at the AFLP Annual Meeting, on December 10, 2019 hosted by Georgia State University College of Law and cosponsored by the Georgia State Center for Law, Health and Society. Posters will be selected from proposals submitted and scheduled for an open forum discussion session on the morning of December 10, 2019.
The 2019 Food Law and Policy Scholarship Showcase provides an opportunity to present finished or ongoing research, connect to colleagues, and get productive feedback. This format allows for individualized exchange, increased autonomy, and broader participation. The program will take place in the morning, during which time refreshments will be available.
Posters should convey your key findings and a brief discussion of methodology where appropriate. Please include the title of your presentation, author(s), and contact information. An effective poster typically includes pictures, graphs, diagrams and narrative text. Handouts are encouraged but not required.
Resources for Poster Presentations:
All AFLP members and full-time faculty members of AALS member law schools, foreign faculty, adjunct and visiting faculty (without a full-time position at an AALS member law school), graduate students, fellows, and non-law school faculty are eligible to submit papers. Preference will be given to AFLP members and junior scholars focusing their work in food law and policy.
Please note, that while meals are included, all presenters at the program are responsible for paying their registration fee and travel expenses.
Submit a 250-word poster abstract, including the proposed title of your presentation, summary of subject matter, and contact information to the AFLP Conference Committee at on or before September 6, 2019.
The title of the email submission should read: “Submission – POSTER PROGRAM: 2019 AFLP Works in Progress Workshop”
More information on the conference including hotel recommendations is available here.